
BUSINESS CARE has been operating in the outsourcing field since 2011, building business Client’s portfolios from a wide range of industries and specialisations.

Let our knowledge and experience accelerate your growth

We are a partner of the Arteria S.A. Capital Group listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the leader in Polish outsourcing and corporate customer service.

what makes us different

Third-party liability insurance up to PLN 2 000 000 + additional insurance policies
Modern organisational and IT solutions in professional services outsourcing
Handling responsibilities regarding the Polish Tax Office (US), National Labour Inspectorate (PIP), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), and Central Statistical Office (GUS)
Knowledge of International Accounting Standards
Ability to take over the Chief Accountant, Controller / Financial Analyst, and Financial Director function
Specialisation in providing services to capital companies
Experience in providing services to foreign and corporate Clients
Support of the Arteria S.A. Capital Group listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2009
A dedicated Client Manager - Keeps the Client informed of any risks or optimisation opportunities regarding the business
Adaptability and reactivity to the needs of the Client (services in foreign languages, flexibility regarding software use)
Comprehensive service from a single provider
Consultancy hotline, depending on the needs of the Client: Tax and labor law
Services in foreign languages

our mission

The success and constant development of a company require attention to multiple aspects of the business simultaneously. All areas of the organisation must develop harmoniously for a dynamic company to fully achieve its objectives. 

At BUSINESS CARE Advanced Solutions, we look at the Client’s business from a broader perspective. We see our role in supporting our Clients in maintaining long-term company growth to unleash their business development potential.

We are aware of the importance of business optimisation, regardless of the industry. We aim to combine both knowledge and mutual trust to achieve your goals while optimising costs.